Saturday, November 6, 2010

Blog 7: Digitial Video Recording

At first I was stumped when I thought of a new fashion format. What can possibly be left when almost everything has been tried by the fashion world? It then dawned on me that it could be something really simple, like a DVD.

Fashion DVDs are not something that are tried by many designers and companies. At first it began as a way of showing previous shows to customers in stores but the problems began to rise. There was no way a woman in a shop was going to stop and  watch a video when she was already in the store. Then companies began to get a bit more resourceful. The dvds where shipped to restaurants, airports, food courts, places where people are waiting and have leisure time to look at a video. The fashion show was then moved from the runway into the dining room. It's a form of advertising like no other, there is no forced attempts at making you watch it, but yet you do.

Then, it became personal. Fashion shows can actually be bought on dvd form. Maybe this does not help show new lines but it can help advertise and get through word of mouth and references of friends a name for the designer. My friends are more partial to like a designer if I show them their show on a DVD than a paid showing on a restaurant. Take for example this Japanese Lolita fashion show that was taped and sold to those that could not make it to the show in California:

Although it might not be the best fashion show out there, what amazed me is how many people actually have it. Fans of the style and Japanese culture have posted on the clothing site and the youtube video through comments claiming to have bought it to see it for the first time, show their friends, and have the ability to relive the moment. Others have said they actually bought the clothing later allowing for a profit to be made.

I wonder if this could be taken to the next level. Could fashion shows be taken to the silver screen?

At the moment, many music concerts and operas are being advertised through movie theaters. You have the opportunity to see concerts and plays that are happening all over the world in your local movie theater. What if there was the opportunity to see a fashion show in the big screen?

Personally I would not mind paying $11 to see a McQueen show. Could this be our near future?

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